Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Assalamu'alaikum w.r.b.t

UBS(user business system) is involved in virtually all major financial activities, including retail and commercial banking, investment banking, investment management and wealth management. Objective of this project is to helps to convert an organization that uses manual accounting system to computerize accounting system.

This project need us to find small company and business that does not use at all the UBS in their business transaction.Two person are required for each group.Our supervisor is Sir Noreffendy and Miss Iylia Dayana. Every group have to know all detail about the business such as the location, activities been running and others. The duration of the transaction are 6 month and we have to gather not more than 1000 transaction.

Our previous senior said that it not a big deal at all if our application been rejected for the first time,this is because they already face of been rejecting more than 20 times.

In our opinion this UBS project allow us to expose ourselves to the real business environment and also increase the credibility of communicate with outsider confidently. By doing this, will help us how it is the taste of "Rejection" and "Employed".By doing this it also help us to master more in accounting transaction and more familiar with UBS before when to "Latihan Industri" life and future job perspective. (^_^)

~~~Accounting such an Art~~~

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